Upscale town fights sly immigration plan

Upscale town fights sly immigration plan: Upscale town fights sly immigration plan Upscale Fla town in fight over immigrant prison latest information Upscale town fights sly immigration plan

 Upscale town fights sly immigration plan
 In one of South Florida's fashionable, bucolic enclaves, where peacocks travel and mount trails are as ordinary as sidewalks, town leaders decided to bring in a great deal of their change from an strange industry: a prison.
 simply the privileged of Southwest Ranches kept their plans quiet from population for about a decade, and the project has now ballooned into what would be among the federal government's largest emigrant detention centers. The town would have to pay $150,000 each year to keep the prison, but officials say the township would turn a profit by getting 4 percent of what U.S. Immigration and civilization Enforcement pays the company in service the prison to grip inmates there.

Many populace to finish caught wind of the thought this year, when the migration agency announced a uncertain deal, and they're angry. They've held protests at public meetings, contemplated whether to recall the mayor before his March voting and whether to amend the town charter to make it easier to fire the city attorney just about the deal.